Tag Archive | Man

One Amongst Us

So what does it matter if he’s shy,

Or is draped in flamboyant costumes bright,

Or whether his curls cascade eloquently,

Like a waterfall, hiding the tale of his fights.

So what if he saunters with a graceful gait,

Or cries aloud and boldly expresses,

Or whether his lips red with passion,

Kiss a man whose love he fondly addresses.

So what if in the shadows he hides,

Sneered by so called friends of man.

Many a lesson up his sleeves he has;

His experience unmatched by anyone.

He is a human… just one amongst us.

Fearless… more a man, than many I trust;

A son, a friend, a brother, a lover…

My faith in whom I blindly entrust.

Man of Thirty

Sharp and graciously refined

Walking with steps speedy,

Symbol of elegance well defined

He is a man of thirty.


Sporting a bonny coiffeur

And a suit so royally navy,

Shoes shining like silver

He is a man of thirty.


Apple of his friends’ eye,

Candy of ladies pretty

Always with spirits high

He is a man of thirty.


Echoing a boyish charm

His laugh breaks all monotony

A personality so deeply warm

He is a man of thirty.


Carefree yet so matured,

Values and emotions saintly,

Making you feel assured.

He is a man of thirty.