Tag Archive | poems

Mystery women

And in the midst of the white mist…

She stood, shrouded in mystery.

Silhouette shimmering in the streaking light…

Or was it my imagination playing pranks?

The whistling wind, they whispered a note…

“Take her hand… she stands awaiting you.”

But not a step forward did I dare…

Lest like dying embers into the white she merges.

Let me from afar this beauty behold…

This sight so divine, is but rare.

But this longingness has raised a storm

Turbulent… waves of passion crash hard.

Or is it the curiosity to unravel this enigma?

They say a women’s heart is an ocean of secrets.

Dive deep, and many a treasures one will find.

Shall I plunge into the realm of this unknown?

The mind sayeth ‘No’, but the heart sayeth otherwise.

And so I took the path less taken… maybe ’twas wise.

Hence, from afar did this beauty I admired…

Till into the mist this mirage disappeared.


And in his eyes did I longingly gaze,

‘t wasn’t the image I perceived,

but a reflection of a stranger dark.

I know not this person with an icy stare

Lost in the deep, his soul had been slayed,

I tried to rescue his innocent spirit, but in vain

The thirst for power had led him astray…

Humanity had long gone… the house empty

And in his eyes did I longingly gaze,

Shattered to have lost my only friend.


Their voices echoed through the scorching sun…

’twas the holler of desperation, of recognition…

Their brows were wet, but footsteps steadfast…

Surging ahead for a drop of cooperation.

Flags were up, hands raised in unison…

The versicolor flaming above with pride…

Leading the pack with its ray of hope…

Penning the story of stereotypes defied.

What of color, what of choices…

What of gender, what of desires…

Like water, fluid, merging into one another..

Not a hate plot that nature conspires.

And though these voices were loud…

A deep silence emanates that’s but undefined…

Eyes though gleam, a lost gaze thrives…

Will the moral rules our freedom bind?

And yet to the flaming rainbow…

Did they joyously dance and cheer…

The winds of change kissing their locks…

They knew a new world was here.

The Sky

How splendid is this azure sky,

Arms spread, it embraces one and all

Oh! How generous is its heart,

A soul with compassion filled.

To laden its bounty upon the needy

Yet not asking any in return…

An infinite empyrean… how marvelous

In its beauty did I get lost…

Its gold and silver jewels…

Which upon day and night brightly shine

My eyes in wonder did stare and admire.

And in its lap did my doves coo…

Calling me… but alas I couldn’t fly…

But my spirit did soar into its realm…

And a word or two silently I said,

Of how my nights were desolate…

To be soothed by its calming voice…

“Fear not. For evermore, will be your friend.

And embrace you when none by your side stand.”

A tear, a smile did emanate…this promise was no fake.

And to this day by me it stands…

Come hale, storm or rain or pain…

 How splendid is this azure sky…

Arms spread, it embraced me with entirety.

One Amongst Us

So what does it matter if he’s shy,

Or is draped in flamboyant costumes bright,

Or whether his curls cascade eloquently,

Like a waterfall, hiding the tale of his fights.

So what if he saunters with a graceful gait,

Or cries aloud and boldly expresses,

Or whether his lips red with passion,

Kiss a man whose love he fondly addresses.

So what if in the shadows he hides,

Sneered by so called friends of man.

Many a lesson up his sleeves he has;

His experience unmatched by anyone.

He is a human… just one amongst us.

Fearless… more a man, than many I trust;

A son, a friend, a brother, a lover…

My faith in whom I blindly entrust.

Let me lie

By the banks of the glistening lake,

Where the green kisses the dew,

Lost in memories endearing,

Let me lie under the sky so blue.

The sunlight is beaming with love,

Like the touch of my mother’s hand,

On my face, its caress so warm,

Let me lie in the folds of her arm.

The heaven’s above are smiling,

So tranquil this day, yet a turbulence,

My heart pounds like the demon’s gong,

Let me lie untouched by worldly consequence.


A sly pandemic out there,
A ravenous cyclone looms here,
An evil lightning blazes past,
Is the end of existence near?

Doors and windows though locked,
Like barbarians, rain waters charge in.
Drowning lives in deep uncertainty.
Life has gone on a turbulent spin.

Hapless souls with moist eyes,
Sit and watch the havoc around.
A silent prayer somewhere escapes.
Asking for a quick rebound.

One and a Half

It’s been a long one and a half.
These walls are now my friends.
Lifeless, yet silently they speak.
Trust me. I am not a freak.

It’s been a long one and a half.
The calendar flips stubbornly.
The clock utters with a mock.
Hold on! It’s not time yet to unlock.

It’s been a long one and a half.
Cacophony has long lost its seat.
I stare, dream… heave a sigh.
That this silence will end, is but a lie.

Ray of Hope

A ray of hope, it timidly peeked.

The evening sky, it gleamed.

A smile on the lips, so refreshing.

Am locked behind doors, were they teasing? 

A desire to embrace the new.

To fly like the chirping birds.

Staring at the horizon, the day ends.

I question, when the world its habits will mend.  

Fake beauty…

Thy beauty so profound… like the roses at dawn,
To stand by your side, an angel be shamed…
All other fairness does look forlorn.
Yet, is it not evident, thy beauty so fake,
Fatal instincts that lie beneath…
Conspiring… trust seems to be at stake.
What use then of this beauty…?
That steals a man of its life…
Or leads to damnation?… humors me!
Yet I am lost in the maze of thy splendor…
Mine eyes see none, but thy damask cheeks.
Bosom swells with love for this heavenly blunder.
And though I be thrust into the flaming pyre…
From thy gracious looks, I shall not turn…
Better to burn, than be deprived of flaming desire.